Tuesday, 21 January 2020

Greek Influence on Indians: The Aftermath of Alexander's Invasion

Greek Influence on Indians: The Aftermath of Alexander's Invasion

Dr. Amartya Kumar Bhattacharya
BCE (Hons.) ( Jadavpur ), MTech ( Civil ) ( IIT Kharagpur ), PhD ( Civil ) ( IIT Kharagpur ), Cert.MTERM ( AIT Bangkok ), CEng(I), FIE, FACCE(I), FISH, FIWRS, FIPHE, FIAH, FAE, MIGS, MIGS – Kolkata Chapter, MIGS – Chennai Chapter, MISTE, MAHI, MISCA, MIAHS, MISTAM, MNSFMFP, MIIBE, MICI, MIEES, MCITP, MISRS, MISRMTT, MAGGS, MCSI, MIAENG, MMBSI, MBMSM
Chairman and Managing Director,
MultiSpectra Consultants,
23, Biplabi Ambika Chakraborty Sarani,
Kolkata – 700029, West Bengal, INDIA.
Website: https://multispectraconsultants.com

Alexander's invasion left a permanent impression on the Indians. The first major impact of Alexander's invasion on the Indians is the Gandhara School of Art which produced sculptures with Greek styles but with Indian subjects. The statues of Lord Buddha produced by the Gandhara School of Art are characterised by their elaborate depiction of the folds of Lord Buddha's dress. This came to be considered the norm for statues and images of Lord Buddha, so much so that statues of Lord Buddha are made in this way even in modern times.

The second major impact of Alexander's invasion was the kingdom of Bactria ( Bahlika to the Indians, Balkh in modern Afghanistan ). This kingdom was to the south of the Oxus ( Amu Darya, Vakshu to the Indians ). King Milinda, to use his Pali name, took a great interest in Buddhism and the record of his conversation with the Buddhist monk Nagasena is preserved in the Pali Milindapanha.

© Bhattacharya International Buddhist Foundation, 2020.

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